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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Cure for tapeworms in dogs

The length of tapeworms in dogs varies from an inch to several feet. Dipylidium caninum is a common tapeworm infection that is found among dogs. Find out more.

A dog inherits Dipylidium caninum when it chews or swallows an infected louse or flea. There is a high degree of chance of humans inheriting Dipylidium caninum as well. Dipylidium caninum can affect humans if they swallow infected flea by mistake. Another type of parasites that affect dogs is Taenia. Taenia is a specific type of tapeworm that affects dogs because of the intake of infected sheep, rodents and rabbits as well.

Large shaped tapeworms can take up a lot of space in dogs. It is a fact worth mentioning that large shaped tapeworms take up a lot of space in the intestines of the dogs. In case of severe infections, symptoms can vary from constipation to diarrhea. Tapeworms can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and hence result in slow growth. There is minimum probability of tapeworms affecting human beings as well.

Treatment for Canine Tapeworm:

Dog dewormers can prove be extremely helpful in the control and treatment of dog canines. Dog dewormers work effectively by removing the segments and head of the tapeworm. The most effective medicine against Taenia pisiformis tapeworms is Sage-Guard Canine Dewormer. Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer has been clinically tested and proven for its effectiveness against interstinal worms that affects dogs. The major types of Canine Tapeworms against which Safe-Guard Canine Dewormer provides protection include tapeworms, Whipworms, Hookworms and Roundworms as well.

The treatment that is available for treating dogs is extremely effective. Canine cure for tapeworms can be successfully treated by prescribing tapeworm tablets. One can always purchase tapeworm tablets from the local vet store. Some of the common medicines that can always be prescribed to treat against all types canine tapeworm symptoms include Droncit, Telmintic, Vercom Paste and Drontal. These medicines should only be used under the veterinary guidance only.

 It is possible to prevent tapeworms in dogs by adhering to a regular and systematic de-worming regime. The best possible remedy against Canine Cure for tapeworms is prevention. It is possible to get rid of common tapeworms by means of eliminating lice and fleas from the environment. It is always a good idea to prevent the dogs from roaming and eating dead animals. One should take every possible measure to prevent the dogs from eating raw game and uncooked meat.


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